Aug 4, 2011

Two Petty plus One

Here are two petty.
One is from Shigefusa and it is a 150mm Kitaeji.

Another is a left hand (LH) 180mm Yoshihide SKD Migaki petty from Yoshida Hamono.

Though there is difference in maker and steel and length these two have very similar geometry.

Now the plus one.

I myself have a 180mm Kitaeji petty. I used it at my blog Kitaeji Maintenance 1 to 5.
Now I wanted to see how it compare to the out of the box Kitaeji.

Above is my 180mm petty which was polished with Hakka and Nakayama Maruka fingerstones.
Other than the fine "hairlines" with are on the new Kitaeji they look very similar. Both have some broad lines which are "characters" or "signature" of the Kitaeji. These broad lines are not so significant if you  have sunlight, They are significant if you have fluorescent light as light source. The picture was taken under fluorescent light.

Now I made polish with the sword grade Uchigomori fingerstone.

Above is my 180mm petty and below is the new 150mm petty.
The contrast of the broad lines decreased when I used the Uchigomori fingerstone.

So if you work under fluorescent light and do not like the "signature" of  the Kitaeji using Uchigomori fingerstones for maintenance would be a solution.

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